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Welcome, Camp Families!

We know that choosing your child's camp is an important decision.

With summer right around the corner, we are so grateful you are considering the MetroWest YMCA. 

We are eager to make the entire experience fun and meaningful. Please review the information on these pages and do not hesitate to contact us if you have a question. 

We look forward to the best summer ever!


Your MetroWest YMCA Team

What are my payment options?

All options require a $50/week non-refundable deposit at time of registration. Extended care and busing are paid in full at time of registration.

1) Pay in full at time of purchase.

2) Have a draft pay schedule in place as follows: June camp balances are automatically charged on May 15, July camps are charged June 15 and August camps are charged July 15 – this is the default plan when registering.

3) Log into your MetroWest Y account at any time to pay camp balances by accessing the future payments tab – any unpaid balances in accordance with option 2 will be charged on those dates as specified.

What are your payment policies?
  • Families are charged a non-refundable deposit of $50 per week, per child.
  • If applicable, busing and extended care fees are paid at time of registration.
  • You may transfer your deposit to other camp programs before April 1. However, deposits are non-transferrable after April 1. 
  • If an automatic payment is declined or an expected payment is not received, we will reach out to collect payment or develop a payment plan. Failure to respond or make payment will exclude your child from attending unpaid weeks and may lead to unenrollment. A late payment fee of $15 is charged when payment is one week late.
  • All previous Y balances must be paid prior to camp registration. If any past due balance is unpaid, your child will be unenrolled from camp and cannot attend. There will be no refunds, credits, or pro-rating for missed days.
  • Families registered at a membership rate must keep that membership active from time of registration to the end of the month their children are participating in camp. Memberships may not be placed on hold. Failure to keep membership active will result in a camp price change to reflect the non-member price.
  • There is a $10 late pick-up fee per child for the first 10 minutes late. You will be charged $5 for every 5 minutes after.
  • All information collected when registering online is kept securely by the YMCA. Credit/Debit card information is not accessible by YMCA staff and is kept in a secure system.
  • The Y does not automatically send out invoices regarding camp charges. Families can access statements online by logging into their MetroWest Y account at


What is your cancellation policy?

1) Families are charged a non-refundable deposit of $50 per week, per child.

2) If applicable, busing and extended care fees are paid at time of registration.

3) Prior to April 1, you may transfer your deposit to other camp programs. After April 1, deposits are non-transferrable. 

4) The cancellation deadline is May 31. After May 31 there will be no refunds, credits, or money transfers of any kind for withdrawal, failure to attend registered sessions, or partial attendance. Balances owed on any camp weeks after the cancellation deadline are the responsibility of the billed party. Balances owed for any weeks registered for after the cancellation deadline are the responsibility of the billed party.

5) Transfer requests must also must also be made by May 31.

6) All requests for changes/transfers or cancellations must be submitted in writing via email to the correct camp office. No changes or cancellations are accepted over the phone.

7) A YMCA credit or refund without deposit may be issued if a participant is unable to attend camp due to a prolonged illness/injury lasting 3 days or more. This request must be made prior to the end of the camp session and must include a doctor’s note.


What if my child is waitlisted?

If your child is waitlisted, we will contact you if an opening is available. Full tuition will be due at the time of enrollment. Waitlists are monitored regularly. Being on a Hopkinton specialty camp waitlist does not mean your child has a spot in a traditional camp. You must register for an available camp for a spot to be held. If a waitlisted spot opens, we will transfer your child to that spot and cancel the other camp with no penalties.


What are your safety policies?


Safety: As leaders and role models, our staff is dedicated to providing a safe and fun-filled experience. There will be at least two people on-site at all times who are CPR and first aid certified. Our staff to camper ratio is 1:5 (younger campers) and 1:10 (older campers) for our camps licensed following the Department of Public Health Regulations. Camps licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care are staffed based on a 1:10 ratio and include certified teachers/educators in the groups.

Pool Regulations: On the first day of each session, the children will be swim-tested and their swimming level will be recorded by their counselor and the lifeguard. If the lifeguard decides that your child needs a flotation device, they must wear it in the pool at all times.

On the first day of each session, children will be tested to determine their swim level for pool access during supervised recreational swim. If the lifeguard decides that your child needs a flotation device, they must wear it in the pool at all times.

The YMCA uses “Test. Mark. Protect.” for pool access testing. These evaluations are held every Monday for new campers. A camper may be retested Friday throughout the summer or upon request.

Campers will be assigned necklaces based on this evaluation.

Green = No life jacket, full range of the pool

Campers must be able to swim one (1) lap on their front and one (1) lap on their back for the length of the pool. Additionally, they must be able to tread water for one minute. They will receive a green necklace during free swim, which gives them access to the entire pool.

Yellow = No life jacket, shallow end of the pool only

If the camper can stand up in the pool, while standing flat-footed in the deepest part of the shallow section, float on their front and return to standing, and float on their back and return to standing they will receive a yellow necklace.

Red = Life jacket, shallow end of the pool

If no skills are observed, the camper must wear a red necklace and lifejacket while in the pool.

These access levels are tracked by counselors and the Aquatics Department on a daily roster.

The MetroWest YMCA uses the YUSA V6 Swim Lesson program for our instructional swim classes year-round, including summer camp. Students will be evaluated and taught to these standards. Parents will receive progress reports.


Do you offer financial aid?

Yes! We recognize families have different abilities to pay. To keep camps and programs accessible to all, the Y allows families to choose a membership that best reflects the rate they wish to pay for camp. If you feel you still need help affording summer camp, the MetroWest YMCA can help. Within its available resources, the MetroWest YMCA will provide camp and membership regardless of a family’s ability to pay. Partial financial assistance through our Y-Assist program will be awarded to those who can demonstrate their inability to pay the full fee. Funds for the Y-Assist program are raised as part of the YMCA’s Annual Campaign. Visit member services or download an application online.

For information about Massachusetts childcare financial assistance programs, click here.

Who funds your financial aid program?

Funds for the Y-Assist program are raised thanks to generous donors to the YMCA’s Annual Campaign.

What if I have a voucher or contracted slot?

If your child is on a Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) subsidy with a year-round voucher/contracted slot at the MetroWest YMCA or a School Closure Only voucher, you can: 1) Register online when registration opens in January if you have an active registration with the MetroWest Y, or 2) Register online in March when registration opens to community members. If your child attended camp last summer, please contact Kathleen Glennon, or Yanessa Mendez, to activate a voucher code so you can register online without a deposit.

If you have a voucher outside of the MetroWest Y, provide documentation before registration for the deposit to be waived or you are responsible for the $50 deposit per session per child. Please reach out to Kathleen Glennon, regarding vouchers. Please note that children with EEC subsidies can register for all camps with the exception of specialty camps in Hopkinton.



What is your food like and what if my child has allergies?

Nutritional well-being is a priority at the MetroWest YMCA. The following procedures and policies have been developed:

All food provided by MetroWest YMCA Summer Camps is prepared, served, and stored in accordance with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) guidelines. Additionally, HEPA (Healthy Eating and Physical Activity) guidelines are followed. All provided snacks contain a fruit or vegetable, and another food group component.

The USDA is an equal opportunity provider. Water and low-fat milk are served with every meal. The menu is subject to change based on availability. If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to make us aware of any food allergies, please contact Maggie Lynch, RDN, LDN, at:

If your child has allergies, be sure to fill out an Individual Health Care Plan form and a Medical Consent form.



Do I have to be a member to purchase camp?

No, you do not have to be a member to purchase summer camp. However, if you were to become a member, you would get all of the benefits of membership, plus a member rate on camp and other programs.

Non-Members: You do not need to have a membership to participate in YMCA camps and programs. Non-members are welcome to register for specific programs, like camps or youth sports. There is no monthly fee for this type of account, and you do not have access to any YMCA facility except for during the programs for which you are registered.

Camp Fees: To receive any member rate for camp sessions, your child must have an active membership with the MetroWest YMCA at the Framingham Branch or the Outdoor Center from the time of registration through the end of the month their children are participating in camp. Memberships that are canceled or placed on hold prior to this date will be charged the non-member rate. 

To take advantage of member rates and all of our membership benefits, join as a member today!



How do I get the member rate?

To get the member rate, JOIN AS A MEMBER first and then register for camp. 

You have several membership options:

Framingham Family Memberships: (Best Value!) You receive the family rate on all camps and priority registration. You have access to the Framingham Branch facility and the Outdoor Center in Hopkinton. Benefits of membership include:

  • Priority registration on camps and seasonal programs (swim lessons, water aerobics, youth enrichment, and youth sports, etc.)
  • More than 65 in-person and virtual small-group exercise classes per week, including Cycle, Pilates, Yoga, Strength training, and more
  • Free childcare while you exercise
  • Members-only open swim and open gym
  • Free weekly archery and indoor rock climbing at the Outdoor Center
  • Discounts on Kids' Vacation Weeks and Parents' Nights Out events
  • Discounts on seasonal special events at the YMCA 
  • Access to other Ys nationwide (call ahead to check)

and more!

Youth/Teen Memberships: If you have a youth membership through the Framingham Branch, you will receive the youth/teen rate for summer camps and session programs at the Framingham Branch and Hopkinton Outdoor Center. However, Outdoor Center Swim Club and Outdoor Center Member benefits are not included. 

Outdoor Center Memberships: if you have a Hopkinton Outdoor Center Membership, you will receive the youth/teen rate for summer camps. Your family will also enjoy member benefits at the Hopkinton Outdoor Center, which include access to the facility, participation in free member events, and the member rate for session programs at the Outdoor Center.



How do I register for camp?

1. Review policies. Please review payment options, expectations, and policies prior to registering for camp. You will be asked to agree to the "payment and cancellation policy" listed below during registration.

2. Do you have an account with us?


Go to the camp page (based on the grade they will enter in 2024) and click "Register Here" then click "Register" on the next page.

On the next screen, log into your account to get the member rate. (If you forgot your username or passwords follow the prompts to reset).


1. Before you register, you will need to create an account. You also have the option to become a member.

2. Then, return to your child's camp page to register.

When you register, choose your desired camp week(s) and any add-ons such as lunch ($30/week), AM and PM care ($58/week), and bus transportation based on route.

3. Registration flow. 

Once you click “register,” you will choose or add the person you are sending to camp.

Next, from the drop-down menus, choose the individual camp weeks and camp add-ons such as AM/PM care, busing (available in Hopkinton), or lunches (Hopkinton and Natick).

Complete the registration by following the on-page prompts. You can pay deposits only or choose to pay in full. Once registered, you will receive a receipt by email.

In April, you will receive an email with information about how to access our camper portal, DocNetwork, to upload the required information.





Who do I contact if I have a question about camp registration?

Please contact the following Camp Registrars. 

Hopkinton Camps - Cori Merchant,

Ninja Sports Camp and Camp Clearbrook - Arlete Wilson,

Stepping Stones, Camp OCP and YSTEAM Camp - Kathleen Glennon,



DocNetwork is a secure online service used for providing your child’s required information, health records, allergies physicals/immunizations, medication authorizations, and more. You will receive an email from DocNetwork starting in the spring. DocNetwork profiles must be 100% complete at least two weeks before your child’s first week of camp. Registrations will not be considered complete, and children will not be able to attend camp until all forms and documents are provided.

Healthcare Policies & Emergency Procedures
School’s Out and Camp Family Handbook
Hopkinton Camp Family Handbook Addendum
Other Medical Forms for Registered Campers

Health Forms: Massachusetts State Law requires each camper to have a physical examination and current record of immunization signed by his/her physician within 18 months of arrival at camp. Our camp follows all DPH and EEC regulations. If your child will need medication at camp, further documents and authorizations are required from your child's physician. If your child has a chronic, medical condition, please also complete the Individual Health Care Plan. This information will be shared with us via required paperwork on the DocNetwork site.


Individual Health Care Plan


Medication Consent Form



The Y is for All!

The Y believes that finances should not be an obstacle to living a healthy lifestyle. We offer financial assistance, which can be used to help cover the cost of membership and programs. Learn more about financial assistance options, including our Y Assist program and access forms.