Discover Something New
Kids can explore different subjects and disciplines through STEM, art, and nature. These classes give them the opportunity to discover new interests and tap into their creativity.
Classes will be held at the Hopkinton Outdoor Center. Day and time for each class may vary by session.
Animal Tracking 101
As winter begins to transition to spring, we will be covering the basics of identifying the different animal tracks on site learning: what to look for, what can we tell about an animal from its tracks, and what other signs do animals leave? Beyond the usual rabbits/birds/squirrels, animals spotted on site include deer, turkey, coyotes and bobcats.
Ages 7+
Saturday, March 1 | 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Y Member FREE | Youth/Teen Y Member FREE | Community Member $10/person
Map/Compass 101
Ever been lost before? What would happen if your GPS battery died? This class is perfect for kids who are interested in learning the basics of map-reading and using a compass. Learn about orienting a map using land/terrain features, as well as with a compass if you have no identifying land features besides trees. Explore the different kinds of maps including satellite, topography, orienteering, and hybrid maps.
Ages 10+
Saturday, March 15 | 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Y Member FREE | Youth/Teen Y Member FREE | Community Member $10/person
Seed to Table: Spring Planting for the YMCA Garden
Spring is in the air, and we’re kicking off the season by planting seeds for our garden! In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn the basics of seed starting while supporting the Y's farm-to-table mission. Together, we'll plant a variety of fruits and vegetables, which will eventually thrive in our 32 raised garden beds and contribute to our community's fresh food supply. Please bring water and wear clothing that can get a little dirty!
All ages
Saturday, March 8 | 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
FREE for all
Spring Into Action: Gardening for the Growing Season
The beginning of spring means it's time to get those shovels out and begin preparing for the growing season. Come help our Farm to School Coordinator, Lindsey, prepare the Y’s garden and learn how to plant seedlings, remove debris, add compost to the soil, apply mulch, and more! We plan to enjoy this lovely spring morning in the garden, so please bring water and wear clothing that can get a little dirty!
All ages
Saturday, March 29 | 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Earth Day Garden Event
Come spend Earth Day in the garden, giving back to the planet and supporting the Y’s farm-to-table mission! Together, we’ll be doing a variety of gardening tasks that could include planting, weeding, composting, mulching, watering, and more. It’s a great way to spend time outdoors and get involved with your community. There will be snacks and a garden scavenger hunt for the kids! Bring the whole family!
All ages
Tuesday, April 22 | 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Member Benefits

Snowshoe Rentals
With its hiking trails, wetlands, ponds, and open fields, the seasonal changes at the Outdoor Center are a beautiful sight. Check in at the Rec Hall to sign in/pick up snowshoes. 5+ inches of snow on the ground is required.
Saturdays, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Y Member FREE | Community Member $5/person per hour
If you have any questions, please contact Tyler Reynolds: treynolds@metrowestymca.org
Become a Member
When you join the Y, you get more than just a gym and pool. You get a community of people who can support your goals. Member benefits include unlimited group exercise classes and 30-50% off programs like swim lessons, sports, fitness, adventure, and camp!
Financial Assistance
The Y believes that finances should not be an obstacle to healthy living. We are able to offer financial assistance to help cover the cost of membership and programs, thanks to generous donations to our Annual Campaign. Learn more about financial assistance options.