The MetroWest YMCA Opens New Outdoor Interactive Playscape

Framingham, MA, August 2024 - Earlier this month, the MetroWest YMCA celebrated the opening of a new outdoor interactive playscape at the Framingham Branch!
State Representative Jack Lewis, Framingham Mayor Charlie Sisitsky, Chair of the Framingham City Council, Phil Ottaviani, Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care Amy Kershaw, and other community leaders were in attendance.
The playscape will serve families and children in the MetroWest YMCA Early Learning Center, Partnership for Early Learners (PEL) Program, School's Out Program, members, and program participants for years to come. This exciting addition was made possible with support from the Children’s Investment Fund, the Department of Early Education and Care’s Early Education and Out of School Time Capital Fund, Massachusetts ARPA Funds, and the time and talent of our project partners.
We’d like to give a special thanks to our young Certified Playground Experts who showed us how to go down the slides, answered questions about playgrounds, and reminded us of the importance of play!